Show Notes
In which we recap and advance the podcast’s gnome-related investigations, ultimately leading to the builder of our third featured trail.
In which we recap and advance the podcast’s gnome-related investigations, ultimately leading to the builder of our third featured trail.
Episode 12
October 04, 2023
In which an accused “gnome dropper” issues a vehement denial, makes a stunning confession, and suggests the next trail to feature. [Credits]
Episode 5
November 19, 2021
Double black diamond, child’s play—or both? Three middle-aged dudes tap into youthful energy to create Mt. Mac’s rock ‘n roll classic.
Episode 9
January 07, 2022
With a little help from friends and family, builder Paul Burbidge finally gets into REHAB. (The story of his “pretty mellow” Grey Mountain trail,...